Welcome to Bebop's Place

Old fashioned Roses print

Beauty has been defined as "The quality that gives pleasure to the mind or senses and is associated with such properties as harmony of form or color, excellence of artistry, truthfulness, and originality." Since our responses are totally subjective, I can only speak to what moves me.

I want to share the beauty! I have created a variety of floral products for my Zazzle stores, Bebop's Place and Bebop's Weddings, using my original photographs and designs. I am also constantly amazed at the gorgeous floral products available from the rest of the Zazzle community. I am hoping others will enjoy this blog and even be moved to purchase some of these lovely items for gifts or just for the pleasure of having such beauty around.

Saturday, November 3, 2012

Lovely lilacs are the theme of this elegant wedding luggage tag. It has a border of pink and mauve lilac sprays on a gradient pale purple background. The front text reads: Just married! The reverse side text has all your personal information. All text can be customized for your special occasion. CLICK HERE TO SEE THE ENTIRE LILAC WEDDING COLLECTION

This wrapped canvas wall art features pretty pink cherry blossoms in a digital oil painting. Symbolically the Cherry Blossom has many meanings including transient nature of life, feminine beauty and love.

If you enjoy the natural beauty of flowers you'll love this Samsung Galaxy S (T-Mobile Vibrant) Case-Mate BarelyThere case. This photograph of a purple and white pansies with yellow centers are highlighted by the bottom portion of this smartphone case with it's green dots pattern. In the middle is a monogram you can personalize too. All together they make a beautiful natural design. Protect your Samsung Galaxy S with one of these and be proud to show it off.